Become a Member

Invite an Engineer to Join

Members of ASPE are being asking to invite other engineers to join. Here are some pointers to use when talking with prospective members:

  • Engineers who are not licensed, or not yet licensed are welcome in the new MEMBER category.
  • Recent graduates (first five years) pay HALF PRICE DUES and can get lots of help with the licensing exam.
  • Engineering interns (EIs) are eligible to join.
  • More than 33 millions impressions have appeared in the general media about engineers through the American Engineering Campaign. It’s what engineers said they want and NSPE is doing it.

In these challenging times, be sure engineers know about the new track of service – Career Transition. Whether looking for another job, testing the employment bank or thinking of changing disciplines, engineers will find mentoring, resources and sessions that help. Go to the NSPE website and click on CAREER TRANSITION. It’s all right there.

ASPE and NSPE have a new look, new faces and new voices. When you talk to a prospective member, mention what they get from ALL FIVE COMMUNITIES OF SERVICE:

  • National
  • State
  • Chapter
  • Interest Groups
  • Cyberspace

Here in Alabama, we are concentrating on professional development – bringing sessions close to home for easy attendance. Chapters are revitalizing and getting more members involved, with short, easy jobs. The national society has a whole catalogue of products to make an engineer’s life easier.

Members now have optional ways of accessing service. They can come to meetings or go to the Internet. Listserves bring together members with common interests to share ideas and outcomes. Web-based service is like having the staff on hand, 24/7.

For sample letters to send, talking points and literature to invite engineers to join, please contact  NSPE.


Online Application

You’ll gain access to member product and service discounts, Members Only information resources, and member Web services. Please allow up to 7 business days to process.
Choose this method if you are using a credit card (online credit card payment is not available for all states) and your browser supports secure transactions. Secure servers encrypt data before transmitting over the Internet, offering a higher degree of security for electronic transactions.

Print an Application

Choose the print method if you would like to print out a copy of NSPE’s membership application and fill it out by hand.  It is in a PDF format.

Sustaining Organizations

Check out our new program! Click here for an application to join as a Sustaining Organization of ASPE. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!


The Alabama Society of Professional Engineers (ASPE) represents the body of engineers in Alabama.  Its goals include the encouragement of high standards of engineering education within the state and the strengthening of the educational, professional, social and economic interests of the engineering profession.  In order for the Society to accomplish its goals, it must have the monetary support of those organizations, firms and associations that eventually benefit from the efforts of the membership of such professional organizations.


  1. Sustaining Organizations (hereinafter termed "Organization") that participate in the program will directly aid the society in its goals of improvements in engineering education and in the professionalism of the state's engineers.
  2. The Organization listing will appear quarterly in THE ALABAMA ENGINEER, the official publication of the society. This publication is sent out to elected officials in the state of Alabama.
  3. An article will be published in THE ALABAMA ENGINEER describing the Organization and its products or services when a new Organization joins.
  4. Recognition at the first statewide convention following enrollment.
  5. Half price fee for exhibit space at the MS/AL Engineering Society Meeting for current organizations.
  6. ASPE website listing with a link to organization’s website.
  7. Organization employees or members will be allowed to attend the MS/AL Engineering Society Meeting at the same price as ASPE members.

$300 per year


BELS - New Member!
Magnolia River